Wednesday 2 July 2014



          The Beatles are a British band of pop and rock. Since 1961, it was integrated by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.

           In 1962, after listening to them, the productor Brian Enstein decided to produce their first single: “LOVE ME DO”, that was a great hit in the United Kingdom.

        In 1963, the “beatlemanía” was born. One year later, it crossed the ocean up to the United States.

       The Beatles played several films. The most important ones were: “A HARD DAY´S NIGHT” (1964) and “YELLOW SUBMARINE” (1968). They kept on editing albums (two per year), and most of the songs were written by them!

          In 1970, after publishing “LET IT BE”, the disagreements between the members of the band  led to the end of it. Every member continued with his career, but never together again.

        The death of John Lennon, in 1980, shot by a mad man, was a great impact for people all over the world. It also implied the end of their fans´  deep hopes of seeing the band together in the future. The Beatles became a symbol for young people in the 60´s and even nowadays.


               Hi! I´m JOHN LENNON, one of the members of “The Beatles” band and, in fact,  its founder.

               I was born the 9th October 1940, in Liverpool, and I grew up listening to country music and rhythm and blues.  When I was a child, I went through hard times, because I didn´t have contact with my parents. I lived with an aunt of mine who taught me the first chords on an old banjo that belonged to my grandad.

             For some years, I studied at Art School, and at the age of fifteen, I decided to do music for a living. Paul and myself founded our first music band “THE QUARRYMENT” (a rock and roll band).

             As for  my love life, I got married twice, and I had two sons. As I fought hard for peace, I had a lot of problems with politicians, being threaten with expulsion from the country and having problems to publish.

          My songs became hymns against war. Three weeks before my death, I published my last  work:  “DOUBLE FANTASY”, in 1980.

                  Hello!  I´m RINGO STARR. I´m a British musician, singer, composer and actor, and I became famous as The Beatles drummer.
             I was born the 7th June 1940, that is to say, I´m the oldest of us. My childhood was complicated, because my parents got separated and then my mum got married. I wasn´t a healthy boy so I had to spend two years at the hospital. Later, I had many problems at school. The good point was that… At the hospital, I learnt how to play the drum.

               I entered The Beatles, after a short period of temporary replacement. I connected with Paul, John and George, and our deep friendship started.

                I myself had an unstable life. I got married twice and I had three children. One of them is also a musician. When the band got separated, I got depressed and I started to consume drugs and alcohol. Fortunately, I could leave that and now I go on working and giving concerts.

                  Hello! I am PAUL MCCARTNEY. As you know, I´m one of the four members of the British band called “The Beatles”.

                       I was born the 18th June 1942, in Liverpool (Great Britain) and since I was young, I liked music a lot. I was always a scholarship holder, thanks to my high grades. I studied at Art School in Liverpool. There were John Lennon and George Harrison.

             I am a composer, singer, musician, music productor, painter and defender of animal rights. My love life was fine. I had two wives and five children who are now artists, as well.

            While I was with The Beatles, my life was also very intense. For ten years, I spent my time, composing songs, soundtracks, playing films… The most known ones were “A HARD DAY´S NIGHT” and “YELLOW SUBMARINE”.

                        Hi! I am GEORGE HARRISON, another member of The Beatles.

               I was born the 25th February 1943, in Liverpool (Great Britain), being part of a traditional, stable family. I liked to listen to any kind of music at any time, and taking into account that I wasn´t very healthy when I was a child, I decided to buy a guitar. From then on, I would spend my time at the hospitals much happier than before.

                    I founded a band with my brother and my friend Arthur Relly, till I met Paul and John at High School.

                       I had wanted to be an electrician, and my knowledge was useful when arranging the technical equipments and when trying out new sounds. I was also the first one who had a studio at home so I would work and compose more comfortably.

               As for my love life, I got married twice and I had a child, who is a musician and composer, nowadays.


                In  2013, we were working on a school project on The Beatles, and we decided to translate some of their songs into Galician and to sing some of their hits. 

                   On Carnival day, all of us sang "Love Me Do" while miming, the 4th and 5th grade students sang "Come Together" while miming, and the 6th grade students sang a mix.

                    Below, you are three links: the first one is on The Beatles singing "Love Me Do", the second link is on The Beatles singing "Come Together" and the third link is on a parody by José Miguel Viñuelas and MEKANO, in 2003. 

                         If you feel like, you can also read the lyrics! 

 - "Love Me Do" by The Beatles -
Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Whoa, love me do

Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Oh, love me do

Someone to love
Somebody new
Someone to love
Someone like you

Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Oh, love me do

Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Whoa, love me do
Yeah, love me do
Whoa, love me do

- "Come Together" by The Beatles -


Here come old flattop
He come groovin' up slowly
He got joo-joo eyeball
He one holy roller
He got hair down to his knees
Got to be a joker
He just do what he please

He wear no shoeshine
He got toe jam football
He got monkey finger
He shoot Coca Cola
He say I know you, you know me
One thing I can tell you is
You got to be free

Come together, right now
Over me

He bag production
He got walrus gumboot
He got Ono sideboards
He one spinal cracker
He got feet down below his knees
Hold you in his armchar
You can feel his disease

Come together, right now
Over me

He roller coaster
He got early warning
He got muddy water
He one mojo filter
He say one and one and one is three
Got to be good looking
'Cause he's so hard to see

Come together, right now
Over me

Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah

Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah uh
Come together, yeah
Come together, yeah

- José Miguel Viñuelas and MEKANO, in 2003, parodying The Beatles ( MIX) -


Love me do… Oooohhh!, love me do…

Love, love me do
You know I love you
I´ll always be true
So pleeease…

Can´t buy me looove, loooove
Can´t buy me loooove

I´ll buy you a diamond ring, my friend, if it makes you feel all right
I´ll get you anything, my friend, if it makes you feel all right
´Cause I don´t care too much for money, money can´t buy me love.

Can´t buy me loooove, loooove
Can´t buy me loooove, ooooh…

Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, heeelp.

When I was younger, so much younger than today, 
I never needed anybody´s  help in any way.
But now these days are gone, I´m not so self assured,
Now I find I´ve changed my mind, and opened up the doors.

Help me if you can, I´m feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won´t  you pleeeease, please help me, help me, help me…

She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You think you lost your love,
When I saw her yes…terday.
It´s  you  she´s thinking of
And she told me what to say.
She says she loves you,(…)
And you know that can´t be baaaad.
Yes, she loves you, (…)
And you know you should be glaaaad,OH!

Well, she was just… 17,
You know … what I mean,
And the way she looked… was waaay beyond compare.
So hooow could I daaance with anotheeer , oouuuh
When I saaaw her staaanding there.

Since I saaaw her staaanding there.
Since I saaaw her staaanding there.



- "All You Need Is Love" by The Beatles-

Non hai nada que saibas facer que non se poida facer.
Nada que saibas cantar que non se poida cantar.
Nada que poidas dicir; pero, podes aprender a xogar o xogo.
É doado.

Nada que saibas facer que non se poida facer.
Ninguén a quen poidas salvar, que non poida ser salvado.
Nada que poidas facer; pero, podes aprender a como ser ti, a tempo.
É doado.

Todo o que precisas é amor.
Todo o que precisas é amor.
Todo o que precisas é amor, amor.
Amor é todo o que precisas.

Nada que poidas saber que non se saiba.
Nada que poidas ver que non sexa amosado.
Ningún lugar no que poidas estar que non sexa onde de verdade queres estar.
É doado.

Todo o que precisas é amor (todos xuntos, agora!)
Todo o que precisas é amor (todo o mundo!)
Todo o que precisas é amor, amor.
Amor é todo o que precisas…



- "Tell Me Why" by The Beatles -

Dime por que chorabas, e por que me mentiste.
Dime por que chorabas, e por que me mentiste.

Bueno, deiche todo o que tiña
Pero, me deixaste tirado.
Tiñas que me tratar – oh-  tan mal?
Todo o que fago é agochar a cabeza, e xemer.

Dime por que chorabas, e por que me mentiste.
Dime por que chorabas, e por que me mentiste.

Se hai algo que teña dito ou feito
Dime que, e pedirei desculpas.
Se non o fas, de verdade que non podo seguir
Aguantando estas bágoas nos meus ollos.

Dime por que chorabas, e por que me mentiste.
Dime por que chorabas, e por que me mentiste.

Bueno, prégoche, de xeonllos…
Se ti só escoitaras as miñas súplicas…
Hai algo que poida facer?
Porque de verdade que non podo soportalo; estou tan namorado de ti…



- "Hello, Goodbye" by The Beatles -

Ti   dis si.
Eu digo non.
Ti dis “para”, e eu digo “segue, segue, segue”.
Oh, non.
Ti dis “adeus”, e eu digo “ola, ola, ola”.
Eu non sei por que dis “adeus”, eu digo “ola, ola, ola”.
Eu non sei por que dis “adeus”, eu digo “ola”.

Eu digo “alto”.
Ti dis “baixo”.
Ti dis “por que”, e eu digo “non sei”.
Oh, non.
Ti dis “adeus”, e eu digo “ola, ola, ola”.
Eu non sei por que dis “adeus”, eu digo “ola, ola, ola”.
Eu non sei por que dis “adeus”, eu digo “ola”.

Por que, por que, por que, por que, por que, por que
Dis adeus?
Oh, non.
Ti dis “adeus”, e eu digo “ola, ola, ola”.
Eu non sei por que dis “adeus”, eu digo “ola, ola, ola”.
Eu non sei por que dis “adeus”, eu digo “ola”.


- "Revolution 1" by The Beatles -

Dis que queres unha revolución.
Bueno, ti sabes 
que todos queremos cambiar o mundo.
Disme que iso é a evolución.
Bueno, ti sabes
que todos queremos cambiar o mundo.
Pero, cando falas sobre destrución,
non sabes que non podes contar conmigo?
Non sabes que vai ir ben? (TRES VECES)

Dis que ti tiñas unha solución real.
Bueno, ti sabes
que todos quereriamos ver o plan.
Pídesme unha contribución.
Bueno, ti sabes
que facemos o que podemos.
Pero, se queres cartos, para xente con mentes que odian,
todo o que che podo dicir é: “irmán, tes que agardar”.
Non sabes que vai ir ben? (TRES VECES)

Dis que cambiarás a Constitución.
Bueno, ti sabes
que a todos nos encanta cambiarche a cabeza.
Me contas que é a institución.
Bueno, ti sabes:
Mellor, en vez diso, libera a túa mente.
Pero, se segues levando imaxes de Mao,
de ningún xeito vas facelo con ninguén.

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