"S P I N D E R E L L A"
Cindy Hello! My name is Cindy. And this is my house.
Becky (Shouting from off stage) CINDY!!!
Cindy And that is my older sister, Becky. What time is it?
AUDIENCE Nine o´clock!!
Cindy Nine o´clock? At nine o´clock, every day I make a cup of tea for my sister Becky.
Becky (Shouting from off stage) CINDY!!!
Cindy Oh, no... Here she comes...
Becky Oh, hello! Hello, children. Hello, teachers. My name is Rebecca, but you can call me Becky. I am Cindy´s older, more beautiful, more intelligent sister. Cindy, where is my breakfast and where are my chocolate biscuits?
Cindy Becky, would you like a pear for breakfast?
Becky Errrrrrr! I hate fruit. No, I want my chocolate biscuits.
Cindy Chocolate biscuits for breakfast, yuk. Here is your tea. Sugar? One sugar.
Becky Another one.
Cindy What? Oh, another one. OK, two sugars.
Becky Another one.
Cindy What? Another one? So that´s three sugars.
Becky Another one.
Cindy Another one? So that´s 1,2,3,4 sugars!
Becky Stir.
Cindy What? Oh, stir.
Becky Now, blow.
Cindy What? Oh, blow.
Becky Yuk, it´s cold!
Cindy Sorry...
Becky What´s this? Cindy´s Homework Book... Yuk! What are these?
Cindy They are fruit and vegetables.
Becky Fruit and vegetables? Yuk, I hate fruit and vegetables.
Cindy Well, you´re supposed to eat five fruit and vegetables every day.
Becky I prefer my chocolate biscuits... What´s this?
Cindy It´s a song.
Becky Oh, Cindy´s written a song. Let´s see:
Becky You! Clean! Tonight is the TV Karaoke Show with DJ Dave. I´m going to meet DJ Dave. I´m going to become a pop star.
Cindy I wish I could go to the Karaoke Party and meet DJ Dave, and become a pop star.
Becky You, a pop star? Oh, please! Cindy, what are these things doing on the floor?
Cindy I was just going to wash them, I promise.
Becky No, no, no, it´s my scarf for tonight´s karaoke show.
Cindy I´ll wash it, I promise.
Becky You´d better had. If not, you´ll be in BIG trouble. Cindy, have you cleaned the plates?
Cindy No.
Becky Have you watered the plants?
Cindy No.
Becky Have you dusted the house?
Cindy No.
Becky Have you made a cake?
Cindy No.
Becky Have you done the shopping?
Cindy No.
Becky What are you waiting for?
Becky Cindy, what are you doing?
Cindy I´m watering the plants.
Becky No, no, no, no, before you water the plants, (you) make a cake... Cindy, what are you doing?
Cindy I´m making a cake.
Becky No, no, no, no, before you make a cake, (you) dust the house.... Stop it, what are you doing?
Cindy I´m dusting the house.
Becky No, no, no, no, before you dust the house, (you) do the shopping. Where are you going?
Cindy I´m going to do the shopping.
Becky No, no, no, no, before you do the shopping, (you) sweep the floor. Cindy! I have a list of things for you to do. You´d better do it, if not...
Cindy I´ll be in big trouble.
Cindy She is horrible, isn´t she? It´s not fair. I wish I could go to the TV Karaoke Show. I can sing and dance much better than Becky. That will never happen. I suppose I´d better start doing my housework.
Cindy Ola! Chámome Cindy. E esta é a miña casa.
Becky (Berrando, dende fóra do escenario) CINDY!!!
Cindy E esta é a miña irmá maior, Becky. Que hora é?
AUDIENCE As nove!!
Cindy As nove? Ás nove, cada día, fago unha cunca de té, para Becky.
Becky (Berrando, dende fóra do escenario) CINDY!!!
Cindy Oh, non... Aquí, chega ela...
Becky Oh, ola! Ola, nenos. Ola, mestres. Chámome Rebecca, pero me podedes chamar Becky. Son a irmá maior, máis guapa e máis intelixente de Cindy. Cindy, onde está o meu almorzo, e onde están as miñas bolechas de chocolate?
Cindy Becky, gustaríache unha pera, para almorzar?
Becky Errrrrrr! Odio a froita. Non, quero as miñas bolechas de chocolate.
Cindy Bolechas de chocolate, para almorzar, yuk. Aquí, tes o teu té. Azucre? Un terrón de azucre.
Becky Outro.
Cindy Que? Oh, outro. Vale, dous terróns de azucre.
Becky Outro.
Cindy Que? Outro? Iso fai tres terróns de azucre.
Becky Outro.
Cindy Outro? Iso fai 1,2,3,4 terróns de azucre!
Becky Remove.
Cindy Que? Oh, remove.
Becky Agora, sopra.
Cindy Que? Oh, sopra.
Becky Yuk, está frío!
Cindy Síntoo...
Becky Que é isto? O libro de deberes de Cindy... Yuk! Que son estas cousas?
Cindy Son fruta e verdura.
Becky Fruta e verdura? Yuk, odio a fruta e a verdura.
Cindy Bueno, suponse que tes que comer cinco pezas de fruta e verdura ao día.
Becky Eu prefiro as miñas bolechas de chocolate... Que é isto?
Cindy É unha canción.
Becky Oh, Cindy ten escrito unha canción. Imos ver:
Becky Ti! Limpa! Esta noite é o Espectáculo do Karaoke da tele, co DJ Dave. Vou coñecer a DJ Dave. Vou ser unha estrela do pop.
Cindy Oxalá puidera eu ir á Festa do Karaoke, e coñecer a DJ Dave, e converterme nunha estrela do pop.
Becky Ti, unha estrela do pop? Oh, por favor! Cindy, que están a facer estas cousas no chan?
Cindy Estaba a punto de limpalas, prométocho.
Becky Non, non, non!, é o meu pano, para o espectáculo de karaoke de hoxe á noite.
Cindy Lavareino, prométocho.
Becky Mellor que sexa así. Se non, estarás nun grave problema. Cindy, limpaches os pratos?
Cindy Non.
Becky Regaches as plantas?
Cindy Non.
Becky Quitaches o pó da casa?
Cindy Non.
Becky Fixeches un pastel?
Cindy Non.
Becky Fixeches a compra?
Cindy Non.
Becky A que esperas?
Becky Cindy, que estás a facer?
Cindy Estou a regar as plantas.
Becky Non, non, non, non, antes de regar as plantas, fai un pastel... Cindy, que estás a facer?
Cindy Estou a facer un pastel.
Becky Non, non, non, non, antes de facer un pastel, limpa o pó da casa... Para, que estás a facer?
Cindy Estou a quitar o pó da casa.
Becky Non, non, non, non, antes de limpar o pó da casa, fai a compra. A onde vas?
Cindy Vou facer a compra.
Becky Non, non, non, non, antes de que fagas a compra, varre o chan. Cindy! Téñoche unha listaxe de cousas por facer. Mellor que o fagas, se non...
Cindy Estaré nun grave problema.
Cindy Ela é horrible, verdade? Non é xusto. Oxalá eu puidera ir ao Espectáculo de Karaoke da tele. Sei cantar e bailar moito mellor ca Becky. Pero, iso nunca sucederá. Supoño que mellor empezo a facer as tarefas do fogar.
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