Sunday 7 February 2021



Jules Verne was a French writer. He was born in Nantes (a city in France), almost two hundred years ago!

When he was a child, he wanted to face adventures so he sailed as a stowaway on a ship to India.

But he was caught just in time by his father!

When he was young, he studied Law in Paris, but he prefered to be a writer.

He was in love with his cousin Caroline, but she didn´t love him, so he got married to a widow. 

They had a son called Michel, who was really rebel.

One day, near his home, Jules was shot by his nephew. His left ankle got hurt and Jules became a cripple forever.

He moved to Amiens, where he was a city councilman for fifteen years.

Finally, he got sick of diabetes and he died in Amiens, after writing more than sixty novels!


Xulio Verne foi un escritor francés. Naceu en Nantes (unha cidade de Francia), hai case douscentos anos!

Cando era neno, quería correr aventuras, así que se embarcou de polizonte nun barco que ía cara a India.

Pero seu pai pillouno xusto a tempo!

De mozo, estudou Leis en París, pero el prefería ser escritor.

Estaba namorado da súa curmá Carolina, pero ela non o quería, así que se casou cunha viúva.

Tiveron un fillo chamado Miguel, que era moi, moi rebelde.

Un día, preto da súa casa, o seu sobriño disparoulle no nocello esquerdo, e Xulio quedou coxo, para sempre.

Trasladouse a Amiens, onde foi concelleiro da cidade, durante quince anos.

Finalmente, enfermou de diabete, e faleceu en Amiens, despois de ter escritas máis de sesenta novelas!

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